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Wireless Communications Laboratory (WICL) was founded in September 2015 by Professor Bang Chul Jung in the Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University. We carry out advanced research on various cutting-edge technologies in wireless communications, statistical signal processing, machine learning, and information theory. In general, we apply mathematical tools such as linear algebra, mathematical analysis, statistics and probability theory, optimization theory, and information theory to analyze performances of the developed technologies. Our research interests include 6G mobile communications, physical-layer security, mmWave communications, analog/digital/hybrid beamforming, compressed sensing, wireless localization, military communication systems, radar signal processing, spectrum sharing techniques, statistical machine learning, sparse Bayesian learning, interference management, spectrum engineering, etc.

WICL is led by Prof. Bang Chul Jung who is the recipient of the 5th IEEE Communication Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2011, KICS Haedong Young Scholar Award in 2015, and the 29th KOFST Science and Technology Best Paper Award in 2019. Prof. Jung has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine since May 2020. He has also served as Associate Editor of MDPI Energies/Electronics since 2020 and IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences since 2018.

Recent News

[Feb. 2025]

  • The paper titled “Analysis of Coupling Coefficients Between Two UCA-OAM Antennas Based on Infinitesimal Dipole Modeling” (J. Jeong, B. C. Jung*, and Y. D. Kim*) has been accepted for publication in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (Impact Factor: 3.7)
  • The paper titled “O-RAN Based NTN Architecture: Open NTN Concept and Optimization of Power Allocation and Fronthaul Compression” (J. Lee, H. W. Kim, J. -G. Ryu, Y. B. Zikria, B. C. Jung*, and H. Yu*) has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (Impact Factor: 5.100).
  • Prof. Jung have been selected as the recipients of the Haedong Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Hierarchical DRL-Based Cooperative Jamming Using Signal Detection and Location Estimation of Malicious UAVs (K. Jeon, and B. C. Jung, and H. Lee)” which was presented at the 2025 KICS-Winter Conference.

[Dec. 2024]

  • J. Baek, Y. -S. Lee, and Prof. Jung have received the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Performance Analysis of Signal Phase Inversion-based NOMA Technique for 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems (J. Baek, Y. -S. Lee, and B. C. Jung)” which was presented at the IEIE Symposium. (Link)
  • Prof. Jung has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society (Impact Factor: 6.3).
  • The paper titled “Performance Analysis of RIS-Assisted Dual-Hop FSO-RF UAV Communication Systems” (D. Kim, H. S. Park, and B. C. Jung*) has been accepted for publication in the Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks (Impact Factor: 7.5).

[Nov. 2024]

  • The paper titled “Continuous-Aperture OAM Communication Systems: An Electromagnetic Information Theory Perspective” (Y. -S. Lee, Y. D. Kim, and B. C. Jung*) has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (Impact Factor: 4.6).
  • Prof. Jung have received the Encouragement Paper Award in the undergraduate student paper contest, for the paper entitled “Cramer-Rao Lower Bound of UE Position Estimates for mmWave Networks (H. Cho, B. C. Jung, H. Ko, and H. Kim)” which was presented at the 2024 IEIE-Autumn Annual Conference.